My 5 Favorite Breeds of Horses and Ponies
Image: Copyright © Romona Robbins http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/myshot/gallery/202058#/gallery/619633/
Playing virtual online horse games has taught me a lot about different breeds of horses and ponies. I had no idea that there were so many types and that each has unique characteristics. When I play an online horse game, and I learn about a new breed I put it in a sketchbook with a picture and a few important facts. Here are five of my favorites and some neat information about each.
1Arabian Horse - Arabian horses originated in the Arabian Peninsula. They are very, very fast. They have short backs and very strong hindquarters. I love their arched necks and soft mane and tail. They are very elegant horses and are also quite strong. Although Arabians are small compared to some other horses, only 14 to 15.2 hands high. They can weigh weight between 800 and 1000 pounds when full grown. Arabians can be almost any color and can have cute white sock markings on their legs and white splotches on their face. I use my Arabian horses for dressage and long distance trail races when I play online horse games.
2Tennessee Walking Horse - Tennessee Walking Horses were bred in Tennessee by early American settlers. These horses have a very smooth fast walk that makes them really fun to ride. Walkers can go a long distance using their natural gait. They were bred for riding, light farm work and driving. Country doctors and preachers long ago often rode on Walkers because they were so smooth. There are many colors of Walkers; I like the brown, palomino and chestnut the best. Most Walkers are very well behaved and gentle. I like to groom my Walkers long manes and tails when I play online horse games.
3Paso Fino Horse - Paso Finos came from Spain and have an amazing natural lateral gait that is beautiful to watch. I learned that the name Paso Fino means “fine step.” This makes a lot of sense because they seem to glide when the move. I have three different Paso Finos that I play with online, and each of them is a little different. One is quite large, and the others are smaller. However, they are all very sweet and fun to play with. My favorite online horse activity to do with my Paso is to compete in barrel racing.
4Shetland Pony - Shetland ponies have a very long and heavy coat which was used to protect them from the cold and wind on the Shetland Islands where they come from. Shetlands are used for riding, plowing and also as pack ponies to carry heavy loads. Shetland ponies are the smallest breed of horse and a very popular horse for children because they are so gentle.
5Hackney Pony - Hackney ponies are about 12 to 14 hands high and are really fast. Most are bay-colored, but some are gray, brown or black. I love their small ears and bright eyes. This pony was first bred in England and is really calm and easy to work with. I learned, from an online horse game that the Hackney pony does not have its own breeding stud, that it is bred with a Hackney horse. Most of these fine ponies are used for harness racing.

Fun Things to Do in Poneyville: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic
I tried the My Little Pony Friendship is Magic game because it looked like something I would like. I used to play with My Little Ponies all the time, so I thought that the game would be neat to try. The game was a lot of fun the ponies looked real, and the game was not very hard to learn to play. There are directions and places to find help if you need it. I played for about two hours the first time and learned how to buy ponies and play lots of fun games. Here are a few things that I learned while I played the game.
Main Menu
You just have to tap on the icon in the right corner of the screen to see the main menu. You can see the game shop and your trophies here. I liked seeing all my trophies when I tapped on this menu.
Blue Stars
Earning blue stars is easy, and you can get them when you make new buildings, go on a quest or buy new things for your town. You will go to a higher level when you earn enough blue stars.
Gold Coins
When you play games or tap on stones or trees gold coins pop up. You can also get gold coins when you finish quests or visit shops. You do get quite a few cold coins to start with. My favorite things to buy with the gold coins were new ponies.
My Favorite Ponies
I really liked adding ponies to the game and playing all sorts of neat games with my ponies. My favorite pony is Bon Bon. I learned that the name is a French word for candy. She is a cute pony with a pink and purple mane. She works at the windmill and makes grain and bread. I also like Lyra the blue unicorn. Her house is sweet with a purple porch decorated with hearts.
My Favorite Games
My favorite game was playing ball with my ponies. I like the way that I can swipe the ball, and they hit it with their head. I also enjoyed winning prized playing balloon pop.
Visiting Other People’s Towns
I met some neat friends in different towns when I visited them to get ideas for my town. I left them presents for letting me look around.
This is a fun virtual horse world built around the charming My Little Ponies. Build a village, play games and visit friends in their villages while you enjoy all the sights and sounds of Poneyville.
I plan to play the game again soon. It was a lot of fun!