PC Horse Games

Here you will find tons of horse games designed for playing on the PC. Some of the PC horse games that we reviewed need to be downloaded, others come only as CDs/DVDs, and some of them actually work to play directly in your browser (no download). There is probably more horse games on this platform than on any other, because there are so many flash games and online horse games which are easy and fast to develop as oppose to games on your PS3, Wii, NDS or other console.

Showing all 33 results

  • Secret of the magic crystals game for pc android users

    Secret of the Magic Crystals

    Rated 2.50 out of 5

    This game could be an amazing story with beautiful magical horse species…Unfortunately, it’s gets really boring and you don’t get to see all of the coolest activities, like races and quests 🙁

  • My horse and me Nintendo DS game

    My Horse and Me

    Rated 3.00 out of 5

    With this game you can make many activities with your horse and earn money and prizes to give him everything he needs! It’s better if you play on a PC though, the other versions aren’t very good :/

  • Paws and claws pet vet healing hands PC NDS game

    Paws and Claws: Pet Vet – Healing Hands


    In this game you have the chance to feel like a real vet! You can treat several animals and make the healthy again! Unfortunately the game isn’t very realistic and can be confusing in the beginning

  • I love horse riding academy collection game

    I Love Horses: Riding Academy


    Compilation of Riding Academy 1 and Riding Academy 2 in just one game. Play as the student of a riding student and live many adventures. A little hard and challenging at first.

  • Jump and ride riding academy 3D PC game

    Jump & Ride: Riding Academy 3D

    Rated 1.00 out of 5

    Very challenging, but still limited in content, horse racing game with nice graphics. Really fun to play multi-player with your friends and race against them.

  • Mary king's riding star PS1 PC game

    Mary King’s Riding Star


    Very limited game without much content. Take part in three types of events and win them all to reach the final. If you prefer, just make simple competitions with your friends in the multiplayer mode.

  • Paws and claws pet vet Nintendo DS game

    Paws and Claws: Pet Vet


    Is your dream to become a vet? Well, this is your opportunity! With this game you can take care of many different species, including horses! Grab your utensils and let’s save some animals!

  • Championship horse trainer game for pc

    Thoroughbred Tycoon / Championship Horse Trainer


    This game is amazing if you’re looking for some hours of fun! It doesn’t matter if you’re a boy or a girl, you’ll enjoy anyway. Do your best and train hard with your horse to become the next team of champions!

  • My riding stables 2 game for pc

    My Riding Stables 2: Life with Horses

    Rated 4.00 out of 5

    In this adventure you’ll be the manager of a beautiful ranch in ruins that just needs a little attention and love. Along with your horses, you need to bring its glory back and achieve a 4-star rating.

  • Let's ride silver buckle stables game for pc and ps2

    Let’s Ride: Silver Buckle Stables

    Rated 5.00 out of 5

    This is a game where you’ll have the opportunity to compete in several tournaments in a relaxed and simply way while you can take care of your horse or take it to rides on the field.

  • Imagine champion rider game for pc wii ds psp

    Imagine: Champion Rider

    Rated 4.50 out of 5

    Live the life of Lily and prepare yourself for some amazing adventures while exploring amazing scenarios. Raise and groom your own Mustangs, train your skills and prove that you are a champion.

  • Championship riding star game for pc

    Championship Riding Star


    This is a simple 3D horse riding game where you can take care of your horse and compete to become the next champion in dressage, rallying or show jumping. Unfortunately you can play only 60 min for free.

  • Horse isle game for PC & MAC

    Horse Isle

    Rated 3.43 out of 5

    Sharpen your money management skills with this online horse adventure game. Great for older horse loving girls who enjoy horses and socializing with other players in a virtual world.

  • White oak stables game for PC & MAC

    White Oak Stables

    Rated 2.75 out of 5

    If you love English riding you will enjoy this free online horse game with an active community of horse lovers. The best part is training your horse for shows and chatting with other players.

  • Howrse game for PC & MAC


    Rated 3.00 out of 5

    If you are interested in horse genetics, this is a pretty good game. Overall, gameplay is slow and you may get bored if you like excitement. Good graphics and game idea but moves pretty slow.

  • Pony Island

    Pony Island

    Rated 2.80 out of 5

    Collect, breed, buy or sell cute horses online on Pony Island.

  • Race horse coloring facebook game

    Race Horse Coloring Game for Facebook


    What fun it is to color in this horse and rider picture. Posed for action, the horse can be painted real life colors or something totally creative. Great for the younger horse loving crowd.

  • Barbie horse adventure game for girls

    Barbie Horse Adventures: Riding Camp


    This Barbie role-playing game allows users to develop riding skills and explore on fun adventures. There are 15 different horses to ride and quest type games to play.

  • Pony friends 2 nds game

    Pony Friends 2 for Nintendo DS, Wii & PC

    Rated 5.00 out of 5

    This Nintendo DS, Wii & PC game is perfect for the younger crowd. There is lots of charm and plenty of fun things to do with your pony. Learn how to care for all of your horse’s basic needs while you play.

  • Nancy Drew: the secret of shadow ranch

    Nancy Drew: Secret of Shadow Ranch


    Secret of Shadow Ranch is a really fun adventure horse game, however, in the free trial version you get to play it for only 1 hour!

  • Planet Horse: Horse Game

    Planet Horse

    Rated 3.50 out of 5

    Fun horse game for both PC and Mac! Solid graphics even at lower resolution. Fun that you can shoose between a zebra or a unicorn. Get’s pretty boring after a while as there is no story.

  • Riding club championship facebook game

    Riding Club Championship (Facebook)

    Rated 3.42 out of 5

    If you like to care for horses and ride in some really neat competitions, you will find this game a lot of fun. Easy to play and lots of time to practice before the big event. Overall fun and challenging game.

  • Farmville2 game for facebook

    Farmville 2 (Facebook)

    Rated 2.00 out of 5

    If you like the idea of running your own farm and making some profit, this game is for you. You can tend your garden, care for animals, buy new land to expand your farm and even a horse.

  • Horse academy game for facebook

    Horse Academy (Facebook)

    Rated 5.00 out of 5

    Great game if you are not looking for a totally realistic horse adventure. Graphics suited for younger players but other game features more challenging. Takes time to build up your ranch.

  • Horse illustrated championship season game for PC

    Horse Illustrated Championship Season

    Rated 3.00 out of 5

    Come learn all about owning your very own horse! Take care of the horse and then get ready to saddle up and go riding! Peruse nature scenes and do lots of jumps.

  • Family farm sim horse game for PC and MAC

    Family Farm


    Family Farm PC, a 19th Century Setting farming game lets people of all ages become a farming tycoon and have fun expanding, building and developing the home, family, farmstead and animals.

  • My pony stables 2 horse game for PC

    My Pony Stables 2

    Rated 5.00 out of 5

    Younger girls who want to learn about running a horse farm and how to make it successful by breeding and training their horses to be champions will be most interested in this game.

  • Riding Academy 2 - horse game for NDS, PC, Wii

    Riding Academy 2


    Get ready for adventures with Pauline and her friends taking care of their horses, riding them and try to save the academy from a surprising fate!

  • Horseland horse game review


    Rated 2.00 out of 5

    Discover a whole new world of horses with this cool website!

  • A Virtual Horse - Horse Game

    A Virtual Horse

    Rated 1.88 out of 5

    A Virtual Horse is a complex yet exciting game that enables players to develop their skills in breeding horses, competitions and being involved in the daily activities of a ranch and a host of others.

  • My horse farm welcome to trotterville horse lovers game

    My Horse Farm – Welcome to Trottersville

    Rated 3.00 out of 5

    This is an ideal game for girls who want to learn more about the details and workings of a horse farm. You learn how to manage a farm, breed horses and get involved in many other important activities.

  • My Horse & Me 2

    My Horse and Me 2 (Riding for Gold)

    Rated 4.40 out of 5

    This game provides a complete equestrian experience in the most realistic of graphical environments with true-to-life animations that enables players to develop strong bonds between them and their horses.

  • Let's ride - Champions Collection - Horse Game

    Let’s Ride Champions Collection


    This is an exciting and challenging game particularly for young girls who want to improve their riding skills and have the chance to enter world famous riding events.