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Dress up your tack and equipment in style with your own personal touch. These great projects are fun to do and will make everyone at your barn want to try!
1Ribbon Lead rope- Thread a long piece of ribbon into a large plastic needle. Weave the needle in and out of a braided cotton horse lead. When you get to the end, tie it off at both ends. Add as many colors as you want for a fun looking lead.
2Saddle Charm- If you ride western, use a piece of ribbon to tie a cute keychain to your saddle horn. This makes for a fun saddle charm.
3Leg wraps- Cut pieces of felt into strips and decorate them with colorful fabric and ribbon. Add some velcros then, wrap your horse’s legs with them.
4Saddle pad decal- Purchase some iron-on fabric and cut out some fun shapes and designs. Iron the designs onto the back of your saddle pad where it can be seen when the saddle is on.
5Fun Helmet- Get a pack of large fun colored stickers and plaster your helmet with them. You will have the coolest look around. Try adding stickers to your riding crop to for a matching look.
6Funky Halter- Wrap your horse’s halter in fun colored duck tape. Polka-dot, zebra stripes, and plaid duck tape all look great.
7Fun fork- Wrap your pitch fork handle in duct tape to match your horse’s halter. This will make cleaning stalls much more fun.
8Dress up your grooming supplies- Get some dandy brushes with wooden handles and paint them with acrylic paint. Add designs, your horse’s name, or just your favorite colors.
9Paint buckets-Add some color to feed and water buckets with acrylic paint. Use stencils to make large designs, or paint them with stripes and dots.
10Make your horse a name plate- Get a small chalk board or dry erase board and decorate the edge with paint, stickers, tape, or all three! Use chalk or markers to write your horse’s name, feeding schedule, and vet number.
hi im ebonnie pleaselet me play this game
im happy to play and jump