I started playing horse games last year when my parents bought me Horselife 2 for the Wii. I loved grooming my horse and how real it looked when all the dirt came off. I also enjoyed learning how to do all of the really hard dressage moves. Learning on the Wii has helped my own riding a whole lot. My riding instructor was amazed at how much my riding improved after playing on the Wii for a few weeks. After I understood how to play the game on the Wii, I began to play all sorts of other virtual horse games, and I just wanted to share with you five neat things I have learned from playing horse games.
There are so many different breeds of horses
Before I started playing horse games on the internet and on my Wii I did not know so much about all of the breeds. In fact, I have now learned about over 100 different types of ponies and horses and a little about where they came from, how they look and what makes them each special.I keep a record of the breeds, and when I play an online horse game that teaches me something new I write it down. I enjoy sharing all of this information with other people. I now know that there are over 200 breeds of horses all around the world.
Horses are a lot of work to care for
Since I do not own my own horse and when I go for riding lessons the horse is already tacked and ready to ride, I had no idea of how much work horses are. They require a lot of care to keep happy and healthy. I have learned all about how to feed, groom, exercise and care for horses by playing online horse games. If you don't look after your horses right in many of the games you can not earn point or coins or advance to new levels.3
Horses are very athletic
At first, when I started playing online horse games I did not think that a lot of the things that the horses were doing were real, but, I found out that they were. It is amazing how many different things you can teach a horse to do. As long as you keep a horse in shape it is very athletic.4
There are a lot of horse lovers in the world
When I play these game I play with kids from all over the world. It is fun to chat and learn about other peoples interests in horses. I feel like all of these horse lovers are my friends even though we have never met.5