Image: Copyright © Lisa Dearing http://wildhorses.photoshelter.com/image/I00000xckBCEcQsQ
I really enjoy the online games where I can take my horse on a long trail ride. Trail rides are full of adventure and fun. Here are some tips to remember when you trail ride with a real horse.
Do-Remember Safety
No matter how bombproof your horse is, always protect your head with certified equestrian headgear. Practice emergency stops and dismounts with your horse at home. Knowing how to stop a horse and get of at all gaits is essential if your horse spooks. Bring the proper safety gear in your saddlebags including; a cell phone, GPS, emergency food, safety whistle, fire starter and extra rope. Never push you or your horse to far. If you feel the terrain is too hard, for you and your horse, you should stop. Take a short break or just lead your horse for a while.
Don't-Ruin the Trails
Make sure that you don’t leave any garbage behind when you go on a trail ride. Bring it back with you and throw it away. Don't injure trees by tying your horse improperly. Never tie a horse to a tree trunk for extended periods of time. If a horse circles the tree or paws, roots can be damaged. Tree saver straps should be used if you put your horse on a picket line. Bare rope can dig into the bark of a tree and permanently damage it. You should always pack light. Never bring more than you need on the trail ride.
Do- Prepare Your Horse for the Trail
Don't expect a green, unconditioned horse to carry you for miles and miles down a trail. Proper conditioning will give your horse the stamina it needs to tackle trails. If your horse is out of shape work, with it daily for at least 30 minutes until you notice an improvement. Begin taking the horse on short trail rides to get used to the changing terrain. Set up a small obstacle course with trail obstacles so that your horse becomes familiar with different things that you may come upon on the trail.
Don't-Be rude on the Trail
Remember your manners. Respect other equestrians, hikers or bikers that you pass. If your horse kicks or bites, use a ribbon on its tail as a warning to others to keep their distance. Remember to close any gates you open and hold them open if others are behind you. Do not pass other riders at a gallop, as many horses become overly excited. Be polite with your riding distance. If riding with others, allow lots of breathing room in between.