I started playing virtual horse games about three years ago and have been hooked ever since. I like that fact that I can play these games by myself or with my sisters or friends. I even play with friends that are far away and some that I have never met. There are many different types of virtual horse games to chose from. I play a lot of the free games but also have used some of my birthday money to upgrade a few games. You don’t have to spend money on these games to have fun. There are many reasons why I love to play virtual horse games, here are some of those reasons.
Virtual Horse Games are Exciting
I can take my horses on exciting trail rides or compete in some challenging events against other players. There are many exciting games to play online, as well. When I play, there is never a dull moment. Even making new horses, grooming and buying supplies for my virtual horses is exciting. There is always plenty to do in a virtual horse world.
Virtual Horse Games are Educational
My parents really like that I have learned a lot playing these online games. I did not know that much about horses before I started playing the games but now I can have a conversation with my friends at school who own their own horses. I have actually taught them a few things that I have learned from playing with my horses on line. I have also learned a lot about management and how to handle money from playing my online horse games.
Virtual Horse Games Allow me to Meet Knew People
I have met people from all over the world playing virtual horse games. I like to see what they are doing with their horses and visit their stables and let my horses play with their horses. I even met a girl who lives in my town but goes to a different school. We ended up becoming fast friends because we both love horses and virtual horse games so much.
Virtual Horse Games are not Expensive
Compared to owning a real horse, virtual horse games are a drop in the bucket. I play a lot of free online games, but my friends and family have also purchased some games for me for my birthday and Christmas. I know that my friends who own real horses spend a lot of money caring for them.
Virtual Horse Games are Easily Transported
I don’t have to worry about having a big trailer to take my horses with me when I travel. I like that I can take my horses with me wherever I go. I just slip my iPod in my bag and take my horses with me.
Virtual Horse Games are Safe
To tell you the truth, I am a little afraid of real horses. I guess I will get over that as I get older and spend more time around them. Right now, I feel very safe playing my online games. I think that playing these games will help give me confidence to ride a real horse very soon.
what is the virtual game called in this picture above?